Peace Found In Christ Jesus

In a world where things such as wars, floods, bush fires, climate change, issues with the economy, lack of housing, the influx of asylum seekers, changes in the NHS; people going on strike, mental health issues and so much more, both nature, the animals and mankind, are trying to locate the peace Jesus left with us and the peace He gave to us before He returned to Heaven.

Many people have decided to live their lives without the presence of the Holy Trinity at the centre.

They have chosen to live, to multiply, to have or inherit land and be (or remain) grossly attracted to the materialistic gods of this world. The attribute of peace, is initially found in Jehovah Shalom which can be found in Judges 6:24. Jehovah – Shalom meaning ‘Jehovah is peace.’

Jehovah is the source of peace to mankind and , in His own person IS perfect peace. No matter what the children of Israel did against Jehovah, He knew their affliction, sorrows, and needs. Even when they grieved Jehovah, none of what they did disturbed His divine peace, in the sense that they could not destroy or unsteady the perfect balance of His divine nature. Jehovah is the source of peace in His attitude towards us. He lets us know in Jeremiah 29;11 . that the thoughts he thinks towards us are “thoughts of peace and not of evil.” Jesus, the Begotten Son of God is the fullness and perfection of our peace. He is also His own person in perfect peace, like Jehovah. Also, like Jehovah, Jesus was touched with the feeling of our infirmities. He bore our griefs and carried our infirmities, as prophesied by Isaiah. (Isaiah 53:4) Yet Jesus carried within Himself, the spirit of His Father , which enables mankind, to be able to go to Him. (Matthew 11:28-29). Jesus is the ‘Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6) Before His birth, Zacharias announced that He was to “guide our feet into the way of peace.” (Luke 1:78,79) When Jesus healed and comforted people, He would tell them to “Go in peace!” His first words to His disciples after his resurrection are “Peace be unto you.” In your Bible, read about the other occasions Jesus spoke peace and gave peace. The only righteousness acceptable to God/ Jehovah, is the righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ and those He gives it to, through their faith in Jesus Christ.

During your prayer and fasting, pray;

1. For people in your families, neighbourhood, and city to be reconciled with God, through the acceptance of Jesus Christ into their lives, so that they can have true peace.

2.Pray that peace of God which passes all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds, through Christ Jesus. especially in the 21st century.

Prayer and Fasting Focus: Peace found in Christ Jesus.

Bible Reading: Ephesians 1:14-18

Bible verse: John 14:27 “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”


Prepared for Changes by Christ Jesus


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