Prepared for Changes by Christ Jesus

There are times when people may find themselves having to make life changing changes, without any preparation. This may be due to an accident, or receiving a large financial windfall, a loved one whose life was cut short, climate change which causes people to leave their homes, or even the onset of war in their country. There are also times when people are given time to prepare for some major changes in their lives such as successfully obtaining a new job; staring a new school, preparing for a new baby into the family, preparing for a wedding; preparing for retirement to name a few.

Sometimes the preparation can be emotionally negative or emotionally positive. Jesus knew that His time on earth was drawing to a close. So made sure that He put certain things in place and prepared those He had spent many years training, teaching, and caring for. In our first bible reading, Jesus spoke to His closest disciples about leaving them. Jesus was aware that sorrow had filled their hearts. So, He told them about a new person who would be coming when He left. The Helper; the Spirit of Truth. Jesus told them what the Helper/ Spirit of Truth would do, how He would help them, and how He would communicate to them what God is saying. The Holy Spirit would also tell them of things to come. The things Jesus could not tell them at that time. Jesus prepared them for the changes that were about to take place. Changes that would maintain the change in their lives, forever.

Jesus did not forget Mary, His earthly mother that gave birth to Him, according to God’s will and purpose. In John 19: 26-27, Jesus makes sure the gap He was going to leave, in her life, as her first born son, would be filled. Jesus saw her and others close to Him, at the foot of the cross He was hanging on. 26:”When Jesus therefore saw His mother and the disciple whom He loved, standing by, He said to His mother, “Woman behold your son! 27.Then He said to the disciple, “Behold your mother!” And from that hour that disciple took her into his own home.” I love the fact that Jesus didn’t forget His mother. He made sure she would be taken care of, when He died, resurrected, and returned to Heaven. Otherwise, she may have had it even harder in her life because Joseph had already passed away. In the last Bible reading (John 21: 1-14) following His resurrection, Jesus showed Himself to seven of His disciples, (v14) who had decided to return to their former jobs as fishermen. The jobs they had left for at least three years of their lives, to follow Jesus. They had given up their careers and left their family, to follow Jesus. When He died, they thought that was the end of it. So, they decided to go fishing. But Jesus made an appearance and spoke to them. Especially Peter, who had publicly denied Jesus three times, as Jesus prophesised he would. When Jesus spoke to them, especially Peter, their lives were about to change yet again. Jesus took the time to prepare them for that change. During this weeks prayer and fasting time pray:

• Ask Jesus to help you to manage any changes you will be faced with in the near future.

• Pray for the children who will be changing classes, moving school, leaving school to go to

college or university.

• Pray for your church family who may be facing some major changes concerning leadership/renovation of the church property/ changes in roles concerning the departments of the church organisation. May the Holy Trinity be with you all, as we face changes in our lives, during this season.

Prayer and Fasting Focus: Prepared for Changes by Christ Jesus

Bible Readings: John 16: 5-15; John 19; 26-27; John 21: 1-14

Key Verse: Acts 1 : 10-11 “And while they looked steadfastly towards heaven as He went up, behold two men stood by them in white apparel, who also said. “ Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven. This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven.”


Confidently Go To The Throne Of Grace


Peace Found In Christ Jesus