Confidently Go To The Throne Of Grace

In 1942, a famous and well known song was sung. A song that put to melody, the fact that no matter what a person is going through, the way to go, is to Jesus. The answer to problems of the 21st century is still Jesus.

Hebrews 5 describes to us the attributes and qualifications of a High Priest. It also informs us of how Jesus the Christ was not nominated to be one by other people, but He was given the position, directly from God. (Hebrews 5: 5-11) Whilst on earth, Jesus was perfect. His life helped to set the pattern for followers to live by. He taught us about the Kingdom of God and how to become one of its citizens. He spent important time in prayer, even though He was the begotten Son of God.

Jesus knows and understands the difficulties that people are faced with on earth. He knows what it’s like to be tempted. He knows what it is like to be hated. Jesus knows what it is like to be judged. Jesus know what it is like to have no food or drink. He knows what its to be accused. Jesus knows that it is like to be a baby, a child, a teenager, and an adult. Jesus knows what it is like to be in a family with siblings who may mock you for being you. The only thing Jesus has not and will not experience be the act of sinning against God. But He knows what it is like to experience that punishment of death; being our scape goat and sacrifice, for the sins of humankind. (Hebrews 4: 15- 16.)

In his letter, the Hebrew writer invites us to confidently come to the throne of grace. That is, to enter into the presence of God, where you can find mercy, intimacy, undeserved and unmerited favour. The place where repenting sinners can obtain mercy. The throne of grace is also a place where believers can approach God themselves and ask God for His help; forgiveness and empowering grace.

During your prayer and fasting focus:

• Take the time to reflect on Hebrew 4: 14-16

• Worship and give the Trinity praise and thanks giving for grace and being with you, in your good times and times of trouble.

• Ask Jesus your High Priest, to help you, anyone else and anywhere else, during this time.

Remembering that Jesus is still the answer, to all the world today.

Prayer and Fasting Focus: Confidently Go to The Throne of Grace. Bible readings: Hebrews 4: 14-16; Hebrews 5:1-11

Bible Verse: Hebrews 4: 14: ”Let us therefore come boldly before the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.”


Promises Promises


Prepared for Changes by Christ Jesus