Putting God First Will Enrich Your Life

As a citizen of God’s Kingdom, through Jesus His only begotten Son, you are expected to learn and follow God’s Kingdom precepts/statutes/ and laws. David understood this and would do his best to do so. (Psalm 119:41 - 48) Jesus doesn’t want us to be religious and follow Gods laws/ commandments out a sense of duty, but out of respect and love for Him. After all, we are now saved by God’s grace and are to live life by His grace.

So, when God tells us to “Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house, And try Me now in this,” Says the Lord of Hosts, If I will not open for you the windows of heaven And pour out for you such blessing That there will not be room enough to receive it.” The Lord of Hosts means what He says. You are allowed to test Him on this. I have found that when we give our Tithe and offering, God has been honouring His word. He has been supplying us with everything that we need to live and to assist others, he instructs us to assist.

If you seek God’s kingdom first and give to Him first, the rest of your life and finances will be blessed in a miraculous way, you would not be able to figure it out. God’s mathematics is different from ours.

Jesus demonstrated this truth when He blessed five loaves and two fishes, to feed a very large hungry crowd of people. (Matthew 14: 17-19) A tax had to be paid. Jesus told Peter to go and catch the first fish that comes up. He was to open the fishes mouth, where he would find a piece of money, to pay the tax for the both of them.

You may find that you have a lot of bills to pay this month and the tenth of your wage seems a lot to give to God. The ‘devourer’ doesn’t want you to prosper in any way. God does. His grace is sufficient to help you to achieve an enriched life in Him.

Let Jehovah Jireh be your insurance and assurance. The Lord of Hosts has given us permission to test Him concerning our giving. He wants us to return to the kind of people He created us to be like; for Him to provide for and enrich all areas of our lives as we relate to Him, because of His grace towards us.


• That God will give you the courage and confidence to give to Him first if you are not already doing so.

• That every member of your church family, experiences God’s blessings on the rest of their finances, family, and home.

• That those in your church family who are jobless, will become employed in the right job for him/her.

Prayer and Fasting Focus Topic: Putting God First Will Enrich Your Life.

Bible Reading: MATTHEW 6: 19-34.

BIBLE VERSE: MATTHEW 6: 33 “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need.” (NAS Bible)


Peace Found In Christ Jesus


Being a Citizen of God’s Kingdom