Being a Citizen of God’s Kingdom

A ‘kingdom’ is a country, territory or state that is ruled by a king or queen. The United Kingdom is a country that is made up of four nations: England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. It is the monarch of the country (King/Queen/Emperor) who is the sovereign head of the country/state/ territory.

Whenever Great Britian dominated a country/territory/colony, the King or Queen would allocate a Governor to the said country. It was the Governors job, to make sure the dominated country and it’s people were re-educated to become British. They had to learn to speak English, pledge allegiance to the king or queen and transform the country, so that it looked like, sounded like, and behaved British. Many of the countries etc. claimed independence. As independent countries, they began to rule themselves. They chose governors from their own people, whilst the British governors were told by the king/queen to return home to Great Britian. The no longer had any legal rights to be there. They were no longer a part of the British Empire or the British commonwealth.

When God created the Heavens and the earth, He placed certain beings to rule certain areas. God created Adam to govern or rule the earth. Adam was to have dominion over the earth. (Genesis 1: 26-31) Adam could spend time with God, because He knew no sin; and the breath of God (His Holy Spirit) resided in Adam’s body. (Genesis 2:7) It was via disobedience to God (Adam and Eva ate of the forbidden fruit) that Adam not only lost his dominion and was cast out of the Garden of Eden; but the Holy spirit could no longer reside in him because of sin. (Genesis 3)

Jesus, the only begotten Son of God, who was God, God’s chosen King; came to the earth, resided in the human body of a baby to a grown man, but without any sin whatsoever! Jesus spent thirty three and a half years on earth, taking back dominion of it, from Satan. When He completed His mission as King (Luke 23:38) on the earth, He left and returned to Heaven. (Acts 1-11) However, Jesus made sure He told His disciples, that He had to go, in order for the Governor of God’s Kingdom, (the Holy Spirit could now return to earth) to come and transform people’s heart, soul and mind. The Holy Spirit does not reside in a Governor’s house. The Holy Spirit has come to reside with us and in us. (1 Corinthians 6:19; 1 Corinthians 3:16; John 14:15-17)

The Holy Spirit want s to teach us to speak Heaven’s language again; which we call ‘tongues.’ The Holy Spirit has come to reside in us, so that we look like; speak like; live like and behave like a Citizen of God’s Kingdom. (Romans 8: 9-11)

During your prayer and fasting:

Ask the Holy Spirit to be your governor and teach you and the members of your church family, about the Kingdom of God.

Spend time praying in your original language (tongues).

If you are unable to, ask the Holy spirit to teach you to speak your original language.

Prayer and Fasting Focus: Living in God’s Kingdom

Bible reading: Matthew 4:12-17

Bible verse: Luke 17:20-21:“Now when He was asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, He answered them and said, The kingdom of God does not come with observation’ nor will they say, “See here! Or ‘Sees there!’ For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you.”

The British Empire was composed of the dominions, colonies, protectorates, mandates, and territories.


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