Living Stones Of The Rock

One of God’s names and associated attributes is “Rock.” (Isaiah 44: 6-8) Rock is a strong, hard impenetrable, ancient mineral substance, which is used by nature and by humans. Rock can symbolise strength, stability, wisdom, patience, and time. Stones are just smaller versions of rocks.

In John 1: 40 – 42, Andrew takes his brother Simon to Jesus. Jesus looked at Simon. Jesus did not ask Simon to tell Him his name. He gave Simon of word of knowledge, by telling him his name (Simon) and who’s son he was (the son of Jonah). Then Jesus changed Simon’s name. “You shall be called Cephas” Cephas is the Aramaic word for “rock.” Peter or Petros is the Greek word meaning “stone.” Jesus had immediately changed Peter’s identity and future when He changed his name. Peter (Cephas) became one of Jesus’ disciples. Learning, listening, seeing/watching Jesus and doing what Jesus did. Until they got to the point when Jesus was able to send them out into the world (Mark 16:15) having empowered them (Luke 10:19) and given them the authority to heal, resurrect, deliver, and cleanse people. ((Matthew 10:8)

Yahweh Tsuri is the Hebrew name for God, meaning the Lord is my rock. Hannah understood that when she prayed “no one is holy like the Lord. For there is none besides You. Nor is there any rock like our God.” (1 Samuel 2:2)

When you read Matthew 16: 17-20, Peter (stone) had a spiritual revelation of who Jesus was and told Jesus so. Jesus was glad about what Peter had stated and told Peter that He was blessed because of the revelation he had. Jesus knew that God, (Yahweh Tsuri) had revealed it to him (the rock /stone). Jesus then made that statement “..and on this rock I will build My church and the gates of Hades (death) shall not prevail against it. (Hence Jesus was crucified and buried in a cave or rock, with a boulder or large piece of rock at its doorway. But angels rolled that stone away, and Jesus left the tomb vacant)

You may not be called Cephas or Peter, but are you a follower of Jesus Christ the son of God -The Rock? Is Jesus your Rock? Is God your Rock? Are you a stone/rock of God? Your home is made up of the same kind of bricks/stones. Otherwise, it would not stand/look right. To be of part of The Church, you need to be made of the same substance Jesus is.

During your prayer and fasting time – pray:

• Ask God to transform you into one of His rocks so that He can use you to build His church, in the twenty first century.

• Pray that your life, and the lives of your church family, will get to know Yahweh Tsuri, as their foundation on which to build and live their lives; The Rock they can depend upon; The Rock who is stable, strong, and timeless; who will be their divine shelter, protector, and defence against sin.

Prayer and Fasting Focus: God’s Truth – Your Shield and Butler

Bible Readings:

“Be to me a rock of habitation to which I may continually come; You have given commandment to save me, For You are my rock and my fortress.” Psalm 71:3 NKV

“Coming to Him as to a living stone, ‘rejected indeed by men, but chosen by God and precious, you also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.” 1 Peter 1- 5 NKV


The Butler Named Truth


God’s Word Can Be Trusted