God’s Word Can Be Trusted

Our Father in Heaven (God) would love to know that everybody on earth, (via their God – given free will) trusted what He said to them. But alas He knows there are those who will freely chose not to, just because they do not want to acknowledge Him as their creator and God.

So, I ask you this question? Do you trust Gods word? God may speak through the Holy Bible. God may speak directly with your soul, Hence you get a “gut” feeling about something or someone, because that is the area you soul is housed. God may also speak through His designated mediator (such as a Pastor/prophet) When he/she tells you God’s word, God will back it up. The Holy Bible is full of conversations, promises, instructions, comfort, warnings, guidance, and reassurances from God. You will notice, that when the Lord God said He was going to do something, He did! For examples, God gave Abram a command and a promise, in Genesis 12:1 God also gave Abram a new name in exchange for his obedience.

The Lord gave Rebekah an answer concerning her question about her pregnancy. (Genesis 25:23) What God told her was fulfilled, as Esau ended up serving Jacob, who received the birth right that was traditionally meant to be for the first born son.

When Jesus was on earth, as a mortal being, He used the Word of God, to defeat Satan, in the wilderness. (Even though Jesus was the Son of God, He still had to use God’s words, to defeat Satan.) Matthew 4:4

In the twenty first century, there are still people who are prepared to lie, flatter, or deceive, to gain promotion or advancement. However, there are still people who choose to be sincere and truthful, no matter what. Infact, sincerity and truth may be considered as extremely valuable, because they are so rare. Psalm 12:6 tells us that silver, in the Bible days, had to be refined seven times. Seven is the number of perfection/completions. God’s Word is just that, perfect and complete!

With the knowledge that God’s Word is absolute; true and final, take a moment to recollect the times you have experienced this fact. Did God tell you something/gave you an instruction/warning?

Did you take heed to His words? What was the outcome of you doing so? Did it help you to trust God? How does that make you feel? Would you continue to trust God’s Word?

During your prayer and fasting time: Pray that God will help you where you have limited or no trust in Him. Share with the Lord why you feel that way. Ask Him to change that situation in your life.

Pray for your church family, that everyone, (all gender and age) will learn to completely trust God and His Word. Pray that as we do so, miracles will occur, lives will be transformed, the presence and power of God will radiate through us, into our family, workplace, and anywhere else we go.

Prayer and Fasting Focus: God’s Truth – Your Shield and Butler

Bible Reading: Psalm 12:6

“The words of the Lord are pure words, like silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.” KJV

“The Lord’s promises are pure, like silver refined in a furnace, purified seven times over.” New Living Translation

“The word’s and promises of the Lord are pure words; Like silver refined in an earthen furnace, purified seven times.” Amplified Bible


Living Stones Of The Rock


God’s Truth