The Butler Named Truth

A butler is a chief male servant. His responsibilities would include, overseeing private households of the very wealthy; greeting and checking in guests; making sure rooms are ready and up to standard for the proprietor or guests. A butler may also oversee installations in the home, or make sure the household bills are paid; fetch a favourite pair of cufflinks, or drink; pack/unpack suitcases; and maintain the wardrobe for the Master of the house. You could say that butlers of the twenty first century would have managerial responsibilities, be able to keep accounts, and have marketing skills. He would also be well versed in etiquette and serving.

The anonymous psalmist had the insight to proclaim that God’s truth would not only shield him, but it would also serve and work for him, as a butler would.

Therefore, God’s truth would oversee everything concerning the follower of Christ Jesus. Jesus, the son of God, tells us in John 14:6 that He is the way; He is the truth, and He is the life.

We can rest assured, that Jesus (The Truth) is ready and willing to serve us, as we worship and live out our lives, the way God would have us to. (Matthew 22:27) The Truth would also let you know how you should treat others, as well as yourself.

Both on the tangible and intangible plains, Jesus, (the truth) would make sure that the people approaching you in your life, were suitable for you. (Psalm 20:6-7) (Proverbs 18:24) (1 Corinthians 15:33)

Jesus, (the truth) would make sure that you have the necessary food, drink, and clothing, to live, physically and spiritually. (Zacharia 3:4; Luke12: 22-32)

Jesus (the truth) instructs those who are rich in this present world, not to be conceited or to fix their hope on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly supplies us with all things to enjoy.

(1 Timothy: 17-19; Mark 12:17)

Jesus (the truth) knew how to speak and how to serve. (John13: 3-8) God’s truth is a butler to all of mankind, without any discrimination, if we are willing to accept it and live through it, and by it.

During this weeks Prayer and Fasting Focus:

• Pray and ask Jesus to help you to live in the truth of God’s word. That the Holy Spirit will reveal the truth of God’s word to you.

• Ask the Lord to set you and your church family free, by accepting His truth. (via the Holy Bible)

• Pray the God’s truth will fall on good soil in our hearts and start to grow and flush for Him.

Prayer And Fasting Focus: God’s Truth, your shield and butler

Bible Reading: John 8:31 -32

“When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come.”


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Living Stones Of The Rock