The God Who Hears #Elohim.

Psalms 17:6 - Assures us that God is a active listener, and this can be in any given situation, whether we are crying out to him, praising him or interceding for our own situations or someone else's. God powerfully stands in the gap for us through his precious Holy Spirit he comes and helps to resolve our prayer requests.

In Psalms 34:17-22 God tells us that he always hears the cries of the righteous no matter where we are or what circumstances we may find ourselves in, he will hear us when we cry out to him. I especially love Psalms 56:8 which I simplify - tears are Prayers too, they travel to God when we can't speak, God has you covered.

But are there any terms we have to follow or be committed to as to ensure Father God Elohim hears our prayers? Just as we would not give a child a treat when they are doing wrong, Father God doesn't want to confuse us either. He wants us to love him, rely on him, maintain our faith and relationship with him. We must have the right motives serving God only and not the world.

James 4:3 NIV

God answers can include a no, not yet, or wait. Silence can worry us but continue to be consistent in trusting. God not only hears but he will answer us.

‭1 John 5:14-15 KJV‬

And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask anything according to his will, he hear's us: and if we know that he hears us, then whatsoever we ask, we know that he will answer & the answer will be perfect for our situations.

Remember that God hears our prayers regardless of how they are presented. It does not have to be lengthy, but simply in your own words.

During your fast this week, pray:

  • For people who may not have the knowledge, experience or even the belief that God exists, hears and answers prayer.

  • Let's pray that our faith will continue to be steadfast, knowing that God can and will do all things according to his will.

Prayer & Fasting Focus: Elohim is Faithful. He is our God who hears us.

Bible Reading:

1 John 5:13-15

Bible Verse:

‭1 John 5:14-15 NIV‬

This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of him. Amen


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