You Are Invited Too

There may have been a time in our lives when we were told about a special event to which one was not invited. It may have made you wonder why you had not been invited because you also know the person.

More than once, do we read of Jesus, the begotten Son of God supporting prophecies of the Old Testament, that He “was sent except to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” (Matthew 15:24) And that “salvation is of the Jews.” ( John 4:22)

The Israelites were not only God’s chosen nation, but they were also His priority, in order for the “lost sheep of the house of Israel” to be led back to God, by the Massiah named Jesus, the Good Shepherd.

So, when Jesus sent His disciples out to preach the gospel, they were also instructed to go the Israelites/ Jews first.(Matthew 10: 5-8). It was not that Jesus did not want to heal gentiles (such as the Canaanite woman who asked Him to heal her demon-possessed daughter (Matthew 15:21); or preach the gospel to them. (the Samaritan woman at the well John 4:7-10) God had an order of doing things.

Paul also followed Jesus’ order of priority by preaching to the Jews first in the New Testament. (Romans 1:16) When Jesus tried to preach in Nazareth, His home town, He was rejected. (Luke 4:24) It was after Jesus’ death and resurrection, that His disciples/apostles would begin to preach to the Gentiles as well. (Acts 1-7; Acts 15; Romans 15:13) As some of the Jews who accepted Jesus as the Messiah began repenting of their sins, believed the Gospel and followed Jesus, Gentiles also began to do so. So, God allowed Paul and Peter to start preaching the Gospel to them. God also filled them with His Holy Spirit. (Acts 2:41-47)

During your fast, pray:

• That God invite and draw your unsaved family members, friend/s, relatives to Himself.

• That Jesus will help you to be a good example as one of His disciples, by your life style and the way you communicate with others.

• That as you lift Jesus up in your life style etc. others will be drawn to Him.

Prayer and Fasting Focus: You are invited too.

Bible Reading: Luke 14:15 -24

Bible Verse: John 6 : 44 “No man can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up at the last day.”


The God Who Hears #Elohim.


Lord I Believe, Help My Unbelief