The Battle is Already Won!

The Lord our banner, God Almighty our protector. Hallelujah, the highest praise be to our God. Exodus 14:14 reminds us, The Lord will fight for you, you need only be still. Yes, rest in the Lord and know you stand in victory. From a shepherd boy to a king: David is a wonderful example in which we can glean so much from.

Firstly, the Lord does not look at outer appearance, rather He considers the heart (1 Sam 16:7). Living in the flesh we tend to judge people by appearance and stature as Samuel thought, ‘surely’ Eliab was the Lord’s chosen one; rather it was David, a young boy going about his business tending sheep. Then David was sent for, he was pre-ordained for his calling; built in the field.

Yes, we are pre-ordained to win the battle. Yet, triumph is not without challenge. As we often do, David faced judgement, pre-accusations from his own brother (1 Sam 17:28) David’s arrival at the battlefield was purposed and at God’s appointed time. David left early in the morning, we too should be diligent, arising early so that we can be available to God to be used according to His purpose; David triumphed over the lion and bear, but he knew from whence his strength came and he acknowledged the Lord, affirming his faith, conviction and understanding of the Lord who would rescue him from evil (1 Sam 17:37). This standard of living is only attained through relationship with our Heavenly Father. Let us strive to live to this standard and openly testify of the goodness of God, showing forth His glory in our lives and building greater faith through experience and dependency.

Be confident in who you are in Christ. I particularly love that David knew who he was. He didn’t attempt to go out in warrior attire. Rather, he went using the tools and gifts God had giving him. He wasn’t concerned with being different for his confidence was not in man or the opinion of man rather, it was in God. How often do we look to others and compare ourselves or adjust to fit in? Remember dear brothers and sisters you are peculiar and that is beautiful. God did not call you to be common, you are light and salt, kings and queens of a royal heritage. So be bold like David, be confident in your King, our great defender and defend His glory, defend His righteous, defend His name and see every giant fall in the mighty name that stand above all names: Jesus.

In the greatness of His majesty, He throws down those who oppose you, He unleashes His burning anger and consumes them like stubble.

Are you on the Lord side? Praise God! We walk in victory!


Under The Shadow of His Wings


A Fresh Perspective