A Fresh Perspective

Ever been around someone who is looking for a misplaced item? To the point where they turn the house completely upside down, only for you to come along and find the exact item in the very place they had first looked? Well, I see that often in our home - almost daily in fact, and at times even hourly! And as much as I’d like to take full credit as the champion item finder, or label my family as extremely poor item finders, the reality is, seeking the item from a different angle, allows for a fresh perspective. But a fresh perspective does not only align with looking for an item, it can be applied to almost anything that involves vision. For instance, standing too closely to an object can make it appear distorted and out of focus, making it difficult to make out what the item is. However, taking a few steps back, will bring it into focus allowing the item to be seen more clearly. Or maybe it’s a vision spiritually, that you’re unable to understand or see at all. Sometimes, to see clearly, means to shift our position, to gain a fresh perspective. Sometimes the answer to our prayers is so close, we’re unable to see it, and receive it, unless we make a little shift. Sometimes we need to shift our focus, shift our faith, shift our prayer life, shift our worship, shift our service, shift our humility, shift our hope, shift our praise, or shift our peace, to gain a fresh perspective, and take another look.

In this time of fasting, think on the things you are waiting for you, the unanswered prayers, the changes you need in your life, and ask yourself, how do a I gain a fresh perspective, to take another look, and see God’s promises fulfilled.

God Bless You.


The Battle is Already Won!


Encourage Yourself