Encourage Yourself
One of the descriptions that Jesus tells us the devil comes to do is to steal. 2 Corinthians 11:14.
In 1 samuel 30: 1- 25, King David and his men returned home to find that all their city was burnt to the ground and their wives and children had been taken away by the Amalekites.
Like some people who have experienced coming home and finding that their home had been broken into, David and his men wept.
Then David became distressed over the situation as the people spoke of stoning him for what had happened.
So David encouraged himself in the Lord and inquired of God whether he should pursue their enemy. God gave him the go-a-head. Eventually, King David and his men got every single one of their wives and children back.
Have you ever lost an item or person that is very dear to you?
Be encouraged and turn to the Lord Jesus to help you.
If you let Him, He will continuously watch over you and keep you safe.
So, encourage yourself, in the Lord, even in the midst of trouble.
Give God thanks for all He has done and will do, as you speak to Him today.
Believe that what the enemy has stolen from you, will be restored. through Almighty God.
Proverbs 6: 31.