Soaring Above Our Situations

Amongst the creatures that God created in the sea, on the earth and in the skies, are ten highest flying birds. These birds include the following:

10. The Adean Condor that can fly/soar 15,000 feet above sea level. (a.s.l.) 9. The White Stork which can fly/soar 16,000 ft (a.s.l.); 8. Bar-tailed Gatwit can fly/soar at maximum of 20,000 ft a.s.l; 7. The Mallard duck can fly/soar at 21,000 ft (a.s.l.) 6. Bearded Vulture can fly/soar 24,000 ft a.s.l; 5. Alpine Chough a.k.a Yellow Billed Chough can fly/soar 21,300ft; 4. Whooper Swan can fly/soar 27,000 ft a.s.l; 3. Bar Headed Goose can fly 29,000 ft a.s.l; 2. Common Crane can fly/soar 33,000 ft; At no. 1 is the Ruppel’s Griffin Vulture which can fly/soar 37,000 ft a.s.l. Where is the Eagle in line of things? Well, the Eagle can fly/soar 10,000 ft a.s.l.

To soar, is to go or fly upwards without ‘flapping.’ The birds stated above, can fly for many, many miles without flapping their wings, They would just glide on the wind. Even when they were flying across the oceans and seas, with their great waves, it would not phase them, on their journey. In the Holy Bible, the eagle and it’s wings is one of God’s majestic creatures, that Elohim uses to encourage us. He lets us know in Isaiah 40:31, that when we wait on Him, the LORD, He will renew our strength, and cause us to rise above our situations in life, by helping us to mount up with wings like eagles.

The LORD does not want us to ‘flap’ through our raised problems; be it feeling low in spirit; having people causing you problems; there may not be very much in the bank account; you may be having problems with a family member; health problems; the loss of a loved one; feeling lonely; felling unsure of your present stance in life, or your future.

The LORD wants us to pray, read and depend on His Word and trust Him to speak to us and guide us, in order for us to soar about the high waves of life.

During your time of prayer: Ask Jesus to teach us how to soar above our problems, with His help. Ask the Holy Spirit to enable us to rise above our situations, with Him being the wind that is lifting us to greater heights. Rest in the Word of God, and in His divine presence, in the place you like to talk to Him.

Prayer and Fasting Focus: Soaring Above Our Situations

Bible Reading: Isaiah 40:28 – 31

Bible Verse: “But those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles. They shall run and not be weary. They shall walk and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31 NKJV


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