Our Thinking v’s God’s Promises

The Importance of Alignment…..

Alignment refers to the correct positioning of a given thing. If you look at the alignment of your feet when you are running, you're checking to make sure they're not pointing outwards, but going straight ahead, to take you in the right direction.

Alignment has to do with adjusting something so that it is in the right place. If you take your car in for a wheel alignment, the mechanic will make sure the wheels are on straight and positioned correctly. Alignment can also mean following given directions or being in agreement. The education system has to act in alignment with government education rules. If you and your brother both believe that Marmite compliments toast, then you are both in alignment on the issue of Marmite.

Proverbs 16:3 encourages us to commit our works to the Lord and our plans will succeed. This includes aligning our thoughts to Him and coming into agreement with His plan for our lives. Being in alignment with God and committing our thoughts to Him, positions us to come into agreement with Him and gives us the assurance to trust in Him wholeheartedly.

The sparrow in the midst of a thunderstorm, going about his merry way, happily hopping from branch to leaf, from leaf to ground, from ground to leaf, and back again. At no point troubled by the heavy rain, fearsome wind, striking lightening or rolling thunder. Completely unharmed, completely well and completely safe. Somehow, in alignment.

The teenager, sitting in the back of a failing car, travelling on a busy motorway, eating her Mcdonalds. Unphased by the possible danger, or the prospect of a disaster. Calmly resting in the assurance that her parents will get her home, and her parents will keep her safe. Somehow in alignment.

In this time of fasting, ask yourself, where are your thoughts aligned? Of the thousands of thoughts you have each and every day, which of those thoughts are aligned perfectly in agreement with God. Which of those thoughts are in alignment with His promises. Which of those thoughts are true, honourable, right, pure, beautiful and respectful? Which of those thoughts bring you peace, and joy? Which of those thoughts give you rest? Ask yourself.

And during this time of fasting, be a sparrow, eat Mcdonalds and align your thinking WITH God’s promises.

God bless you.


Unity With Humility


Soaring Above Our Situations