Finish The Course

Have you ever had to take a course of antibiotics, to get rid of a bacterial infection? The doctor or pharmacist would have told you to make sure that you finished the course. The course being all the prescribed antibiotic, for the number of days for which it prescribed. Antibiotics are medicines (tablets or liquid) that help stop bacterial infections, by killing the bacteria, or keeping the bacteria from copying or reproducing themselves. (, a-z guides)

Antibiotics have a way of making you feel better, not long after you start the course. This may cause you to think that you do not need to finish taking the rest of the medication. But that is not the case. The bacterial infection would still be there because you did not give the medication time to destroy or stop it.

Jesus Christ can heal you physically, and psychologically, (if you trust Him to do so) of all the hurt, brokenness, and pain that you have been through, over the years. How long it takes, is between you and Him. It may be days, for some people, hours, or minutes, and for others, years. It would destroy us if God were to heal everything about us in one go. Therefore, He takes His time with us, and heals us, in His timely way.

So do not feel upset, because your healing has not occurred right away. When you start to follow God’s prescribed instructions, from His Word (Bible), you will get better and be able to live each day, with hope. Jesus can and is willing to restore you. He is ready to help you to recover.

During your prayer and fasting this week:

Ask the Lord to help the members of your church, family, neighbourhood, or community to heal from the negative things that have been happening.

Pray for the salvation of those who have not accepted Jesus into their life. Give God thanks, for all that He has done for you and others.

Prayer And Fasting Focus: Recovery

Bible Readings: Isaiah 38:16-17 "You restored me to health and let me live. Surely it was for my benefit that I suffered such anguish. In your love you kept me from the pit of destruction; you have put all my sins behind your back”

Exodus 15:26: “....... For I am the Lord (Jehovah Rapha) who heals you.”


One Step At A Time


What has God said to you lately?