One Step At A Time

In moments of crisis, hardship or distress we sometimes find ourselves in a lost hole, not being able to find a way out. Throughout my life, I met various family members and friends who struggled with addictions. I have learned that addictions can destroy families and peoples character. It opened my eyes and made me stay strong, to say “No” to anything that could cause an addiction. I have witnessed people die from heavy consumption, destroying their bodies and losing their soul, but also recovered from those same addictions by turning to their faith and changing their life to greater.

There are so many ways of recover, it can be through an injury or health issue, addiction or sinning, which you might find challenging at times to stop, or being in an abusive relationship trying to step away and recover to learn to trust again.

Scripture can deepen your faith and being able to admit to your wrongdoings or acknowledging that there is an issue, can help you find a way out.

Most times it is about finding a purpose greater than yourself. There is an element of spiritual awakening that happens when a person realises what they came through, which they could not have gone through alone. Unfortunately for some, they need to fall apart so they could come together again as a new person.

I remember reading this “12 Steps of recovery”on a AA (Alcoholic Anonymous) and NA (Narcotics Anonymous) or Gamblers Anonymous Website, when I was trying to help someone finding their way out of a drug addiction. I feel these steps are great for any individual, even with no addiction. These are the 12 steps:

Step 1: Acceptance

Step 2: Hope

Step 3: Faith

Step 4: Courage

Step 5: Honesty

Step 6: Patience

Step 7: Humility

Step 8: Willingness

Step 9: Brotherly Love

Step 10: Integrity

Step 11: Self-discipline

Step 12: Service

Anyone I’m sure can identify themselves with these steps, even just to become a better person.

Of course as an addict these steps are an ongoing way of life because addiction is a disease and does not have a cure. According to 12 step programs, the way to manage your addiction as a disease is to follow the guidelines and wisdom passed down by other alcoholics and addicts who have successfully maintain their sobriety. Above all, the 12 steps of AA believe that if you emulate the determination, consistency, and unyielding dedication of those who succeeded before you in the 12 Step Model, you will be successful in recovery just like them.

Lastly I always believed recovery starts with personal growth. Becoming better means looking at yourself i.e. your flaws and your strengths, and knowing the person you want to become and the goals you want to achieve. The above steps can definitely help you transition to your best life.

During your prayer and fasting devotion, pray for members of the church, who are dealing with an addiction/s.

Ask Jesus to order our steps through His word. (Holy Bible)

Pray that the strong hold of addiction be broken, and the Holy Spirit be free to work within us.

Prayer and fasting focus: Recovery

Luke 1:37

For with God nothing shall be impossible


Outside The Box With Jesus


Finish The Course