Applying the Lord's Battle Plans in the 21st Century

For thousands of years, there have been battles and wars on the face of the earth. Due to the new dispensation of grace, these battles/ wars have always come from the spiritual war, between good and evil, whether they be between countries or on a personal level. In the book of Ephesians, the Apostle Paul describes the seriousness of our opposition. He states that we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, powers, and spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6:12) The role of Christians or followers of Christ Jesus is to use the very real power, that God has placed at our disposal, which is identified in the Bible. If we stick to God’s precepts (rules that help to regulate our behavior and thought), there is no doubt that we shall have the victory.

How does a Christian fight in the spiritual battles he/she faces daily? Once a person becomes a Christian, you become of participant of the divine spiritual war, between good and evil. The devil will be out to steal, kill and destroy your personality, your character, your spirit, and your tangible belongings. (John 10:10) The man named Job, in the Old Testament, is prime example. Satan was allowed to attack him, but he was not allowed to lay a hand on his person. (Job 1-13) In Samuel 1:11, Hannah Prayer to the Lord of Hosts, concerning her battle to become pregnant.

1. You need to keep alert. (1Peter 5:8)

2. Read your Bible. The Scriptures will guide you through this life. It will assist you to navigate from

glory to glory. Consider the Holy Bible as your manual for spiritual warfare. There are significant

parts of it that consist of instructions, precepts, and stories, which are included for our training.

3. Be equipped for daily battle. Put on your armor. Talk to Yahweh Sabaoth: the Lord of Hosts. The

Lord of the Heavenly armies. Read (Exodus 13 :18) More importantly, LISTEN to Yahweh

Sabaoth! (Hebrews 13:20-21)

4. Know that the One (God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit) who is for you, is Greater than the one who

is in the world. Know your Bible; the Word of God, and use it to talk back to Satan, his principalities, and powers in high places, when he tries to fill your mind with his lies and deception. That is the time to use it!

5. The battle venue: will be your mind. Whether you face physical battles such as sickness, people in your workplace, a family member, your spouse, you child...... the battle will start and end, via your mind. So, always keep your helmet of Salvation on and fight the good fight of faith. (1 Timothy 6:12)

Prayer and Fasting Focus: In Service for God.

Sub-Title: Applying the Lord's Battle Plans in the 21st Century. Bible Reading Hebrews 13:20-21

“Now may the God of peace who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, the great shepherd of the sheep, by the blood of the eternal covenant, equip you with everything good that you may do His will, working in us that which is pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever.” (English Standard Version)


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