Consecrate Me To Your Service Lord

Consecration is the act of committing yourself or an item, to a specific purpose or intention. It is to wholly and dedicate yourself or an item, of great importance, which is usually to a deity, or in this case Elohim or God. When you consecrate something or someone, you make him/her/it holy or sacred.

Synonyms, antonyms, and words related to the act of consecration include anointing; devotion; blessing; dedication; canonization and exaltation.

Recently, King Charles III was anointed privately by the Archbishop, during his coronation; when the screens where placed around. Although it was a publicized event, that particular part of the coronation, was so that the King would completely dedicate himself, and commit himself to God by the anointing, to the task at hand – to rule his kingdom well.

Another example of a person being consecrated to God and their service to care for people as God requests and commands, are church leaders such as a bishop, elder or pastor.

Does God require all Christians to consecrate themselves to Him? Well, The earliest biblical reference of the act of consecration can be found in Joshua 3:5, when after 40 years in the wilderness, the people of Israel were told to consecrate themselves before they could enter the promised land. Other occasions of consecration mentioned in the Holy Bible include: 1 Samuel 1:11; 2 Chronicles 26:18; Exodus 13:2; Exodus 19:10, 22. See if you can find any more bible verses about ‘consecration.’

Only God has the transforming power to make someone or something sacred. Therefore, He is the one who can consecrate you and make you holy once you consider and accept God’s call to spiritual consecration. (that is to consciously, willingly decide to dedicate you soul, mind, heart, and body to God. A decision only you can make.

To consecrate your self to God, ask yourself some questions:

a. Do you view you total commitment to Christ, as a priority? Know that your heart will be consecrated to God, when you love Him and respond to the love He has for you.

b. Will you/do you separate yourself form the sins of the world, by rejecting the things the world promotes; when the Holy Bible and your faith in God, tells you that those things are wicked?

c. Will you/do you follow God’s will for your life, even when there seems to be a conflict with things that the world holds, as a major priority- e.g., Romance, financial security, or great wealth; living to meet your need alone?

d. Do you draw near to God by worshipping at a church? Studying the Holy Bible? Praying regularly? Keeping God as your major focus in life? Will you continually praise god for as long as you live?

God isn’t looking for you to be perfect because He knows there are times when we mess up, stumble, or fall from his will/purpose for your life. Just repent. Trust God has forgiven you; ask God to give you the strength to carry on and do better every day.

Prayer and Fasting Focus: Consecrated To God.

Sub-title: Consecrate Me to Your Service Lord.

Bible Reading: Romans 12

Bible verse: “Do not present your members (body) to sin as instruments for unrighteousness but present yourselves to God as those who have been brought from death to life, and your members to God as instruments of righteousness.” Romans 6:13


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