The Oil Of Gladness

The oil of joy, and the oil of gladness, are two oils that are mentioned in the Holy Bible.

Jesus was anointed by God with the oil of gladness, above His fellows (Psalm 45:7), but God also anointed Him with the Holy Ghost and with power. Both the oil of gladness and the oil of joy both represent the Holy Spirit. So, lets look at the substance of oil.

Oil is ‘fatness’ and ‘excess’. ‘Anointing’ is an action of being rubbed with oil or to be saturated with God, for a specific calling or need. Therefore, the oil of gladness is to literally be greased with excessive gladness; or greased with excessive joy. Spiritually, being anointed with either oils, is to be excessively anointed with the oil of the Holy Spirit, or excessively having the Holy Spirit’s indwelling within you. Both the Old Testament and the New Testament speak of the ‘Servant’ aka our Lord Jesus Christ, being anointed with the oil of gladness and the oil of joy. (Isaiah 61 and Acts 10:38.)

Jesus was consecrated by being saturated with the oils (The Holy Spirit) for the specific purpose of the Messianic Office. That was the specific calling or need, on His life. The anointing or saturation furnished Him with the necessary powers for its administration. Jesus knew what He was anointed or saturated with the Holy spirit of extreme joy and extreme gladness to do so and said so. (Isaiah 61: 1- 3; Luke 4:18) Jesus would do so above His fellows (those sharing and partaking as a partner in dignity, office, and work.) God ‘anointed’ Jesus with ‘exceeding joy’, excessively, surpassed anyone else with whom He had to do.)

The oil of joy and the oil of gladness would give Jesus power. It will also give every Christian power. (Acts 1:8) a power that allows the Christian to strongly stand joyfully or gladly, for the things of God.

How can we obtain the oil of gladness? For us to obtain the oil of gladness and be excessively saturated with it, the Christian has to: Spend time in prayer; Spend time worshipping God; Spend time enriching your soul and spirit via Bible Study. The Oil of gladness has the power to set your affection and eyes on the Holy Trinity.

If you want the oil of gladness, spend time with God and ask Him for it. God is a good God. He wants to saturate us with the oils, to enable us to fulfil the specific need or calling, He has prepared us to do. During your Prayer and Fasting time pray:

I. That God would Saturate you and your church family, with the oil of gladness/joy.

II. Pray that you and your church family will worship God in spirit and in truth.

III. Pray that you and your church family will serve God with gladness, as the oil of gladness empowers us to serve God with glad hearts, We should serve God out of love for Him, and not serve Him out of obligation.

Prayer and Fasting Focus: Consecrated To God.

Sub-Title: The Oil Of Gladness

Bible Reading: Isaiah 61 Bible verses; Isaiah 61: 1-3 NIV

“1 The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, 2. to proclaim the year of the LORD’s favour and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, 3. and provide for those who grieve in Zion— to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the LORD for the display of his splendour.”


God’s Discipline


Consecrate Me To Your Service Lord