God Speaks

God is able to talk to mankind, in a number of ways. When God speaks to you directly, it is known as direct revelation. God can speak to a person through dreams, through visions, through voices of His appointed leaders such a pastors/ priests, through prophets using words of knowledge and prophecies, through meditation, through worship, through impressions, through the Holy Spirit, and most of all, through scriptures.

Many things have been said about the Holy Bible and it’s scriptures, by different scholars, philosophers and people. There are those who believe that it is the inspired word of God, which was written down by divinely inspired authors such as Moses, author of the Pentateuch (the first five books of the Bible); Ezra who wrote 1 & 2 chronicles and the book of Ezra to name a few. (2 Timothy 3: 16-17)

Then there are people who believe that the Holy Bible is not the absolute word of God unless it is the King James Version. Currently, there are over 3030 versions of the Holy Bible, in over 2011 languages.

Some people do not believe that the Bible was fully translated properly, from the Arabic or Hebrew languages. However, it may be considered that when the Jews or Israelites were in exile, the translation of the scriptures were adapted to where they were. (From Arabic to Hebrew, to Greek and so on) Therefore it may be considered that the Holy Bible has evolved over time, in order for people form all walks of life and country to be able to have access to it.

God has made it possible for people around the world to be able to access His divinely inspired word for themselves; so that He can have a transparent relationship with all of mankind.

God wants to speak to us about our life; (with or without Him); about redemption; about the Holy Spirit; how to live rightly; to give us guidance, bring healing, deliverance and comfort; to learn how to deal with adversity and conflict; how to defeat temptation, infuse hope, cleanse and empower our mind/soul, body and spirit. For example, in a time when people may be worrying about their, God may remind the person who has approached Him in prayer, about Matthew 6: 25-34; Philippians 4:6; Mark 11:24)

During your prayer and fasting: Make the time to be in a quiet comfortable place, where you can pray and meditate. Ask God to speak to you. Read a verse/chapter in your Bible, along with footnotes

(Bible reading notes) found in your study Bible. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the truth and meaning of the scripture as applied to you. (what is the scripture reading saying to you? Mean to you? When should you apply it? How should you apply it?

Remember: the God who created your ears, eyes and mouth is quite capable to hear you, watch you and talk to you/ answer you.

Prayer and Fasting Focus: Hearing God talk Through The Holy Bible.

Bible Verse: Mark 1 :35 “Now in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, He went and there He prayed.”

“He who planted the ear, shall He not hear? He who formed the eye, shall He not see?” Psalm 94:9


The Holy Spirit Connection in the Old Testament.


Promises Promises