Feed On God’s Faithfulness

You may have noticed over the recent number of weeks, that most of the news seems to focus on the economy of the country. So much so, that you are warned about the rising costs of gas and electricity, as well as food and other essential items. Such news may mean little to those who are considered as high earners. For those who are not, it means that money must be stretched even further, along with food, drink, and other household bills. This may make you feel quite low in spirit. Even envious of those who chose not to have Jesus, as their Lord and saviour in their life.

Psalm 37 describes how David was feeling about those who chose to live and do things outside of God’s will and character. Those who chose to do wicked things; or who chose to be workers of iniquity. David instructs us not to fret (be angry or worry) because of evildoers. He also instructs us not to be envious of those who to carry out gross injustice, wickedness, or sin.

David encourages us to “Trust in the Lord;” “Delight yourself in the Lord;” “Rest in the Lord;” and “wait patiently for Him.” Psalms 37:3-8

Psalms 37 tells us of all the good things we can expect to receive, when we feed on God’s faithfulness, instead of the news. Read the chapter through, and highlight all that you can do, which will allow God to be there for you. For instance, when you delight yourself in the Lord, ....” He shall give you the desires of your heart.” (Verse 4) Also, when you trust in the Lord, “He shall bring it to pass. He shall bring forth your righteousness (right living) as the light. (Also read Isaiah 58:8-9)

God is faithful and keeps His word. How has God shown His faithfulness to you recently? During this week, pray for:

• the government, to make the right choices concerning the economics of our country.

• That you, your family, and church family, will trust God with their lives. That He will provide

for them and heal them, spiritually as well as physically.

• Pray that just as God was there for Israel, during times of famine, He will be here now for the 21st century Christians.

Prayer and Fasting Focus: Physical & Financial Healing

Sub-title: Feed On God’s faithfulness,

Bible Reading: “Trust in the Lord, and do good; Dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness. Delight yourself in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart.” Psalm 37: 3-4


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Heal Your Wallet; Healing Your Purse.