Keep Asking; Keep Seeking; Keep Knocking

In Luke 18: 1-8, we read of another parable that Jesus shared with His listeners. This parable was about a persistent widow who wanted justice for herself, from her adversary. Jesus doesn’t say how many times the widow approached the judge.

However, Jesus shares with us that -

1. She kept approaching and asking, ‘for a while’ (verse 4)

2. She troubles to judge (“yet because this widow troubles me- verse 5)

3. She continued going to the judge

4. She was on the way to making the judge weary.

The widow kept asking the judge. The widow kept seeking the judge to help her with her dilemma. The widow kept knocking at the judge’s establishment. The widow believed that the judge could help her, and was persistent, in her goal to receive justice.

In Matthew 7:7-8 Jesus teaches us about asking, seeking and knocking. Jesus tells us that we are to be persistent in pursuing God. Jesus does not want us to give up after a couple of prayers, just because answers to our request, is not as quick as we would like it to be. Nevertheless, Jesus encourages to continue to have faith in God that we will receive.

It has been said, that “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.” Jesus wants us to continue to seek God for whatever we require in our life. Then the teacher of the truth, or of the matter will appear to us, just as Philip appeared to the Ethiopian Eunuch. (Acts 8:26-40)

Jesus wants us to faithfully keep knocking on the door, until we receive from Him, what is right and appropriate for our life or the life of another.

During this week’s prayer and fasting:

Pray that we will have persistent faith, even if we must pay the bill, visit the person, work, study, or face people and things we would rather not face.

Prayer and Fasting Focus: Keep Asking; Keep Seeking; Keep Knocking

Bible Reading: Luke 18: 1-8

Bible Verse: “Keep asking, and it will be given to you; Keep seeking, and you will find; Keep knocking and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who keeps asking, receives; he who keeps seeking finds; and to him who keeps knocking, the door will be opened. (Matthew 7: 7-8 -CJB version)


Time Out


Abba Father