Healed By Your Faith

Many years ago, I remember feeling unwell. My throat was feeling very fiery and painful whenever I swallowed. I decided to go to bed. Whilst on my bed, I continued to softly speak out, that I was healed. I told myself (and my throat); “I am healed in Jesus’ name.” “Throat, you are healed in Jesus’ name.” The more I said it, the more painful my throat became. I don’t remember what time I went to sleep. I just know that when I woke up the next morning, the pain in my throat, and symptoms of the flu were totally gone!

In the Gospel according to Mark chapter 10; verses 40 to 52, you will read of the healing of a man named Bartimaeus. His name was an Aramaic name, of Greek origin which means ‘Honourable Son.’

Bartimaeus was physically blind, and yet his spirit man could see who Jesus truly was. (Jesus Son of David) So, when he heard that Jesus of Nazareth was walking on the road that he sat by, begging; he opened his mouth and began to cry out. People may use different methods of praying. Some people prefer to pray inwardly/ silently. There are those who like to shout their prayer. Then there are those who speak out in normal volume, to pray. Bartimaeus chose to cry out and with his spiritual insight, call Jesus by one of His regal names ‘Jesus, Son of David.’ Bartimaeus then asked Jesus for mercy. At this point, Bartimaeus saw that he needed spiritual healing first. He asked Jesus to have mercy on him. Bartimaeus knew that he wanted Jesus to show compassion or forgiveness to him. He understood that it was within man’s power to punish him or cause him harm. Especially as a physically blind person. (v 48) “Then many warned him to be quiet”. The people soon changed their behaviour towards Bartimaeus when Jesus commanded him to be called. “v 49: Then they called the blind man, saying to him, Be of good cheer. Rise, He is calling you.”

Have you ever prayed / called out to Jesus, asking Him for His help in your life? You may have shared your predicament with someone, only to find that they would prefer you kept quiet about it all. Not Bartimaeus! The Bible states that he called out even more, to the point where Jesus stood still! and commanded him to be called. Whether you are praying for physical healing for yourself or another, keep calling out to Jesus until He stands still for you and commands you to come to Him/ or the person He will use to help bring about the healing. Onlookers who would not support you, will soon change their behaviour towards you.

Bartimaeus threw his garment aside, got up and went to Jesus. Nothing was going to hold him back! Not his cloak or coat, or his blindness. Even if he had to feel his way towards Jesus, he obeyed His command. Are you willing to do what Jesus has asked you to do, to receive your healing?

Although Jesus knew that Bartimaeus was blind, He did not heal his eyes right away. Instead, Jesus asked Bartimaeus, “What do you want Me to do for you?” Take note, Bartimaeus spoke out, and told Jesus what He wanted Him to do. “Rabboni, that I may receive my sight.” (Matthew 7:7)

Jesus did nothing else but answered Bartimaeus. “Then Jesus said to him, “Go your way; your faith has made you well.” And immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus on the road.”

During your time of prayer and fasting:

1. Speak out when you pray. Acknowledge God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Give praise and worship your creator – God, your Redeemer- Jesus, the one who gives you love, power and a sound mind – the Holy Spirit. Sing to them. speak to them. Worship them. Enjoy going into their presence through prayer. Allow the Holy Spirit to reveal to you, who God and Jesus is to you.

2. Ask the Lord to forgive you, (and the person you are praying for) of anything you may have said or done recently, that goes against His character, and will.

3. Morning, noon, and night, carry out points 1 and 2, until you get Jesus’ attention, and He asks you (Via your mind/spirit) “What do you want me to do for you?”

4. Speak out, and reverently, let Jesus know what you would like Him to do for you and thank Him.

5. Pray that members of your church family will not be afraid to say their prayer aloud, and trust

Jesus the Son of God, to heal them physically/ psychologically/spiritually.

Prayer and fasting Focus: Physical and Financial Healing

Bible Reading: “Then Jesus said to him, “Go your way; your faith has made you well.” And immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus on the road.”


Heal Your Wallet; Healing Your Purse.


Healing Steps