Best Foot Forward

The term “best foot forward” was first recorded in 1613 by Sir Thomas Overbury.

It suggests that when embarking on a new project, journey, orchapter in ones life, you need ‘to make a bold start.’ Or “to embark on an undertaking with as much effort and determination as possible.” (Oxford dictionary)

The Holy Bible tells us about “following His {Jesus} steps.”  (1 Peter 2:21) in order for us to follow His example. All in order for us not to commit sin; nor speak deceitfully; or return revile when we are reviled; or threaten when we suffer. But we choose to commit  to Him who judges righteously. But He wants us to be ‘willing’ to follow His guidance.

Psalm 32:8 -9  states “The Lord say, I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you. Do not be like a senseless horse or mule that needs a bit and bridle to keep it under control.” (NIV) If we choose to follow His directions and guidance He guarantees that His {The Lords} unfailing love would surround those who trust in Him. (v10)

God, through Jesus the Christ, wants us to trust Him, to direct our steps in life, when we seek Him and desire His direction. God wants us to use The Word (Jesus; the Holy Bible), to be our satnav, or road map for the Christian life.

Sometimes it may seem very daunting when embarking on the needs to do something different in your life. Yet we know that we need to make that change or do what is right for us to do. it take s faith to help us to make the very first step on that change, project of journey. It is then that we need to pray, and put our best foot forward, to make the first step. During your prayer and fasting time:

- Make a commitment to our Lord Jesus Christ, to follow His directions and steps in your life.

- Thank Jesus for being there if we should ever fall. Ask Him to give us the courage to repent and get back up again, putting  our best foot forward. Thank Jesus for giving us the faith to take the first step, even when we do not know all of God’s plans for us and others.

Prayer and Fasting Focus: Best Foot Forward

Bible Readings: 1 Peter 2:21-23

Bible Verses: Psalm 37: 23 – 24

“The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, And He delights in his way. Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down; for the Lord upholds him with His hand.” NKJV


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