A Blind Person’s Stick

A blinds persons stick

Sometimes people do unexplainable things out of love. The feeling cannot be overwritten or deleted. It grows stronger over time depending on how you care for it.

I believe this is the same with faith. God/love/faith are all entwined and this is what makes us humans so remarkably beautiful as we can feel it. We believe in something and make it happen. We hope in something and make it happen. Every single day we are manifesting our own reality by having faith.

When we speak to ‘walk in faith’ it is exactly the same.

A blind person walks with a stick, having faith that he will get to his destination, with help of his stick, that guides him throughout the way to keep him safe from any hazards in life. He has his senses which may keep him from danger, but ultimately it is his faith that carries him through his journey.

This is the same procedure when God is asking us to walk in faith and not by sight.

Throughout our life he is guiding us, he brings us miracles, left us the bible to study and send us signs through peoples, animals or numbers for us to not give up and keep believing. There will be times when we will feel defeated or when we loose hope, but God is eternal and has faith you will return back to him.

This week as we are fasting we may not see our results straight away, but have faith that if you keep up the good work the results will arrive in Gods timing.

Prayer fasting focus: Take the Limits off God; Walk by faith not by sight

Exodus 13:20-22

“After leaving Sukkoth they camped at Ethan on the edge of the desert. By day the Lord went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud to guide them on their way and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, so that they could travel by day or night.”


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