Forgive & Forget

Forgiveness: the action or process of forgiving or being forgiven.

One of God’s many traits/ character, is forgiveness. God is always ready to forgive us of every and all sins. But that only occurs when we ask for His forgiveness and choose to turn away from the sin. This week, Christians all over the world, will be remembering the time when Jesus was about to make the ultimate sacrifice. By paying for our sins as a human scapegoat for mankind. For mankind to be able to have a relationship with Elohim again. Although God is always ready to forgive us, He does not expect us to consciously continue sinning or doing things outside of His divine will. That would be considered as being presumptuous. Even as a Christian, there may be times in our lives, when we do something outside of the will of God for us. The application of repentance still applies. (Daniel 9:9)

It is only when a person decides to serve God, that he or she can repent. No one can serve God, unless he/she repents of their sin/s. When he/she had repented, then God is able to forgive him/her. So, if God forgives, and doesn’t hold the wrong doing against the person, He expects us to do the same, just as Jesus did and still does.

Holding onto grudges or thinking it will somehow punish the other person, so that you can fell righteous; or staying away form the person in order to protect yourself from getting hurt again, has a way of hindering forgiveness. So how do you forgive, just as God forgives us?

• First, spend time alone with the Jesus and talk to Him about the situation. (pray):

• Acknowledge the hurt and consider how it has affected you. Let guilt and remorse be a

gateway to positive behaviour and change.

• Accept that you cannot change the past, but you can do something about the future.

• Choose whether you will forgive the person or yourself.

• Make amends with whomever you are forgiving. That includes yourself. Forgive yourself.

Forgive the one who hurt you. Speak it aloud.

• Forget. (Hebrews 10:17)

Forgetting is the hardest part about forgiveness, yet it is something that God does: Psalm 103:12; Isaiah 43:25; Micah 7 :19; Luke 5:20; Luke 6;37; Luke 23: 33-34.

Prayer and Fasting Focus: Having God’s Trait of Forgiveness.

Bible reading: Matthew 6:14-15

“For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive you.”


Chosen By God To Serve


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