Marriage & Relationships

We offer pre-marital individual and/or group counselling.
The approach is Person-Centred Counselling; Therapeutic and Spiritual Dimensions.

Our values:

  • Support Christian beliefs

  • Everyone is valued for who they are regardless of religious belief, racial origin, disability, background or lifestyle.

  • Everyone needs to experience acceptance and love

  • We aspire to provide a service that is clear and transparent

The service is pastoral care based and therefore mainly accessible through membership. However, we do have sign-posting for non-members.

The Benefits Of Pre-Marital Counselling (AKA Triple Checking)

Three key stages to relationships

First Stage

Getting to know a person

The first stage of a relationship can be most exciting, but also nerve racking! As you build up a picture of the person, they too are building a picture of you. Therefore, you want to present your best face & might even choose to hide parts of you, both physically & emotionally.

Second stage

Trusting & loving a person

At this stage, when you begin to trust you respond to the love and affection your partner shows you. Any warning signs or red flags, such as aggression or controlling behaviour and jealousy, should be treated seriously. Do not imagine you are the one to save this person. They need to deal with insecurities before they commit to a relationship.

Third stage

Making a lifelong commitment to a person

This is where pre-marital counselling comes in. For some many reasons at this stage, you will feel confident you know your partner well and care deeply for each other. This is when you should consider digging deeper and pre-marital counselling does that, it digs deeper into your family, individual experiences including past relationships. Your spiritual and career goals visions, aspirations jointly and individually.

Pre-marital counselling is in effect couple’s therapy. The counsellor will guide you in conversations that should take place before you get married. This will also help to strengthen your communication, so when crisis come you already have a blueprint for how you will handle this.

Better a broken engagement than a broken marriage.

Thinking about getting married?

To register your interest in our pre-marital counselling, please fill out the form below