
‘Re-Connect’ was born out of the New Generation Church Mentor system. The Christian Mentor System has been designed to ensure all NGC members, regular attendees and those on their journey to salvation; have someone to support them in times of weakness, discouragement or spiritual absence they also monitor and model spiritual growth and support an individual’s development personally, socially and spiritually; as a result, providing a support network for all.

As part of a move towards supporting mental health/wellbeing and personal experiences, The Re-Connect mentor team will be sharing videos and content on the NTA New Generation Church YouTube channel.

  • Please complete this form to request a mentor. Once we have received your request, we will pair you with a mentor as soon as possible.

  • Please complete this form to apply to become a mentor. Once we have received your application, we will pair you with a mentee as soon as possible.

  • Share something positive

    (an achievement/good news/special thank you)