Not My Will But Yours
Direction….a course along which someone or something moves (Google, 2024). Direction is important in many aspects of life and while I sat pondering on the word ‘direction’, I thought about the how different the outcomes can be, when things are done or taken in the wrong direction. For example, imagine, animal fur. Lays on the skin in one direction. You stroke the animal in the direction of the fur, it’s smooth and soft and comforting. You stroke the fur in the opposite direction, it becomes prickly, and rough and uncomfortable. Imagine also sequined material. Move your hand in the direction the sequins are laid, the material is flat and even. But move your hand in the opposite direction, the material becomes scratchy and course and harsh even. Now imagine a river, or the sea, waves moving in one direction, effortlessly moving you along with it as you swim or paddle, or canoe. And then imagine going in the opposite direction to the tide’s flow. The hard work you must put in to be able to move against the tide and reach your desired destination. At times that flow can be extremely strong, making it almost impossible to move against it. Direction is so important.
Keeping the sea in mind, ponder on how easy it often feels when we do things our own way. When we make our own decisions, on what we decide are our own choices, for what we believe are our own desires. How easy it is to go our own way, along our own tide, at our own pace. The wide-open road, full of easy options and comfortable preferences. Everything done, according to your own plan and your own will. And then, ponder on how difficult it often feels to turn away from your direction, give up on your plan and follow the direction of someone else. To paddle upstream against your tide, and follow theirs, with all the strenuous effort that can take….Imagine, how often we do that with God.
How easy is it to say, not my will God but yours? How comfortable do we find it to lay aside our own plan to follow the plan He has set out for us? How many times do we choose the wide-open easy road, and ignore His narrow path, when it can sometimes feel uncomfortable or difficult to follow that path. So, in this time of fasting, strive to go against what may seem the natural flow of direction and seek God of His direction in the any given situation instead. Before making that choice of your own, speak the words, ‘not my will but Yours’, knowing wholeheartedly that you have fully submitted your will to His. Allowing Him to take full control of all those situations in your life that you hold control over. Allowing Him to lead you in the direction that may feel uncomfortable at first, but is without doubt, the direction to His perfect will for you. What could be a more perfect outcome!? God speaks to us clearly throughout His word about direction, so hand your will over to Him. Trust Him. Follow His guidance. Submit.
God Bless You